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Keputusan muktamad telah diperolehi pada malam 6hb Disember yang lalu. Tahniah kepada para pemenang. Linda Nanuwil tidak memenangi sebarang anugerah tapi tidak apa, tahun ini bukan rezeki beliau. Diharapkan Linda terus berkarya dan tidak mudah putus asa ;)

4 Responses to "Keputusan Anugerah Pertisa 2008"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    I would like to inform all Linda fans that actually si Linda menang bah hari tu but the organiser called us at 5pm sebelum event iaitu 5th Dec, and told us kalau linda boleh datang reheasal malam dan dia juga akan memberi anugerah..unfortunately, it was practically impossible to ask Linda to fly that day to be in KK that night..maklumla..kapal terbang tu bukan macam bas. And due to the last minute the organiser telepon kami, it was not easy to get Linda to tiba2 ada di Pertisa untuk menyanyi dan buat presentation only by giving less than one day to be informed. Sedangkan i odi told the organiser to inform her at least one week even if kalau mau jadi presenter pun at least bagitau lah. I was very dissapointed with the organiser sebab, they insist that she is around to receive the award and yet inform her less than a day. I told them our group will be there to receive on her behalf, but they decided to disqualify her because she tidak datang and she was as you all saw was that means in actual fact from this experience, the public's vote does not count because at the end of the day, the organiser decide who will this fair? so my friends, i am sorry to say that, from this day onwards we will not participate in such an award exercise sebab, at the end of the was not fair, not only to Linda Nanuwil but also us the public who when to vote for her as the true winner of the award.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    this is rediculous!!!!!!!its not only unfair,it CHEATING! CHEATING! CHEATING!!!!!!!!! fans pay to vote!!!! what do we get in the end???? CHEATED!!!!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous Says:

    doiiii.....bikin panas....bikin panas....bikin panas......bikin panas.......

  4. Anonymous Says:

    mmg bikin pannaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssss!!!!:(:(

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