
(The Ship)

Typical me, one day before its closed, my family and I visited the Doulos. Thinking that on the last two days less people. Ramalan saya meleset. Sudahlah susah cari parking kami terpaksa beratur pula. We parked our car near the Seaview Restaurant (dekat pejabat Kastam - imagine that!). I saw my sister in law and her family on their way back. They told me, they came early. As early as 6.00pm! "Kami tidak beratur pun" Then she said, "Good luck! Harap2 kamu boleh sampai di kapal sebelum dia tutup pukul 10" Ouch!

(The Crowds lined up waiting for their turn)

Sudahlah kami berbaris lama, ada a few group of people overtake line kami. Gerammm betul! Nasib baik security datang "line up please! in a single line!"

(These two books priced 800 units each)

When we were on board, it was crowded. Susah bergerak dan panas! There's no way browsing the books like in a shopping complex. What we did, we quickly grabbed our favourite books then proceeded to the cashier. Line up lagi! I paid up RM300.00 over. Uish banyak juga tu. Bukan apa, on the cover diorang letak tag harga in Units. So, you have to refer the price on a list which is very inconvenient sebab ramai orang berpusu-pusu. Tiada masa checking the lists. Apa-apapun dengan kualiti buku yang dibeli I think it's worth it.

(Books, pens, keychains, necklace, CDs)

On our way out, sempatlah juga ambil gambar but with hp's camera memanglah tidak terang. Tidak apalah. For remembrance only.

Read at Doulos of the overwhelming response of Sabahans. And look who is so lucky here

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