Mengikut sumber yang boleh dipercayai, Linda Nanuwil akan menjadi tetamu AC di Sini secara live di Astro Ria @104, esok, 25 Januari 2008 jam 6.00 petang.

So, para peminat Linda semua, jangan ketinggalan menyaksikannya, okey! Difahamkan juga ramai die hard fan Linda akan berada di studio itu nanti semata-mata untuk memberi sokongan kepada beliau. How I wish I am there too!

2 Responses to "Linda Nanuwil Tetamu AC Di Sini"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    hopefully this sumber betul2 boleh dipercayai
    kalau x..saya cubit scias 3x..hihi

    on TARA..glad d sisters raised 2 3rd place after hillarious scene on driving...pity van..we know that she is naturally kalut person+ manual + left side..+panas plak tu..40 deg man! i wonder y pam never try 2 drive?at least at 2 d pit stop after their wrong entry/parking..that time not that critical 2 navigate d map right?make d car move is more cruicial..luckily d moms n thai's strangely lost dont know where...especially the thai's..from 3rd to 5th again...hehe(remember korea?n the editor didnt give us any clue what was really delayed them)if i m pam..i definetely take over d it pam takut mo drive?keh3x

    btw..sori arr..kacau linda punya entry plaks...

  2. SciaS Says:

    ziah...ada tengok linda semlm? adoii bertambah tu budak..hehehe

    u know what...when van offer pam to drive...i said..pleaseeee nooooo! i think pam tiada masalah driving..but van navigate? i don't think so..

    so far i'm admired the way pam navigate the map...from last to's amazing!!!

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