My Findings:

I don't like the way the Filipinos cheated people at the airport to get some money so that they can comfortably rest!

This leg of roadblock was the most tiring task ever. The digging task should be in Detour. So that when teams gave up they can always go for second option. Do you still remember in TAR10 where all teams gave up in digging salt? But at least it was a Detour and they went to do the other task. In this roadblock, I think 5 teams had given up. And this is not good for Amazing Race reputation. Anyway, I like the Singaporeans determination. She said "I don't care If we are eliminated, as long as I can find that damn token" Good for you Sharon! The Malaysians shouldn't give up too but I'm glad they did after they did well through out the Race.

I admire Joe Jer (of JZ team) too. She was the quietest of all. She continued digging and digging like she didn't care for the world hehehe. I thought she would succeed but then as we all know they quit too.

The task in monkey forest also unbelievable tough! If it was not tough why the M&M team had to do it again the next day! hahaha

The elephant ride was fun. Those who chose this Detour completed and arrived early at the Pit Stop.

The Filipinos team eventhough aware that they would be penalised for 4 hours for not completing the Roadblock, yet still have time to have fun at monkey forest.

Taxi chaos between the Indian & Malaysian teams. Who's mistake was that? How if the taxi was really belong to the Indian team. Would the Malaysian team be penalised? Hopefully not!

At last in this leg the first team who arrived get their award. Lucky for the Sri Lankan team.

When Allan announced "Aubrey & Jac, you are team (paused) number (paused) nine". Why did Jac answered "that's good". Because Jac thought there are still 10 teams in the Race hahahaha

So the only Philippines team left in the Race was also also being eliminated. But hey, the Race must go on! Stay tune lah! Go Malaysia!

Images are property of AXN-Asia

It is sad for me to do this posting as the Cho Brothers have been eliminated. I like them. But due to bad navigation and decision, which they frequently stops (I lost count how many) asking for directions, paid the prize. It was as simple as hiring a taxi to lead their way could save them :( Just like Ziah put her comments on my previous posting, 'no wonder the Cho brothers always lost their way, it was because they were wearing the 'Lost' shirt' hehehe Good one Ziah! The Cho brothers could also immediately leave after completing the Roadblock but yet, they waited for the single moms to finish. If they were leading, then maybe they can wait but they know the other 3 teams are in front so they should know what position they are in. But past is past. Other teams move on.

After completing the 'spiderman' task all teams were instructed to fly to Kiev, the capital city of the former Soviet republic of Ukraine.

Upon arriving in Kiev, teams had to drive to the Oster Tank School, a Ukrainian military training facility. It was their Roadblock of the leg. A member of each team would get to drive a Soviet-era tank through an obstacle course.

Their next clue was directing them to drive back to Kiev and locate the building's no. 33 apartment. After finding the apartment, they received their Detour clue, either Make the Music or Find the Music. In Make the Music, teams must locate a hip-hop club, write and perform a rap song. In Find the Music, teams required to drive to the National Music Academy of Ukraine. They had to search a music sheet entitle 'Concert Fantasy' and handed to a pianist who will perform the piece before giving out the next clue.

After completing the Detour tasks, teams then proceeded to the Great Patriotic War Museum, the ninth Pistop of the Race. The models, Tyler & James reached first the Pitstop and won a trip for two to Puerto Vallarta. Followed by the Beauty Queens. Rob & Kim came in third. The single moms made a wise decision by hiring a taxi to lead them to the Pitstop. The Cho brothers who tried to navigate the streets on their own were detained by local police (why? I'm not sure. Maybe they drove into a closed-off street or something).

The Cho brothers had to hear to what Phil had to say "Erwin & Godwin, you are the last team to arrive. I'm sorry to tell you that you have been eliminated from the Race" arghh!!

Single moms & Beauty Queens are the first ever all-females team made it to the final 4. Whoever might be eliminated next, one of them definitely will be in the final 3. Beauty Queens who have been so far made minimal mistakes could be in the final 3. I remembered what happened to Derek & Drew in TAR 3. I thought the twin brothers could make it to the final 3 but they made a mistake in Leg 11 where they forgot to pick up the clue-cointaining Roadblock. We don't want that happens in TAR 10, would we?

In the meantime, CBS has confirmed that the Amazing RAce's 11th edition will be an all-stars featuring teams who competed on earlier seasons. It would be very interesting to watch, as all teams would be familiar faces. I'll write more on this in my next posting.

For the time being, I just want to enjoy The Amazing Race 10 and also The Amazing Race Asia!

(All images property of - Amazing Race)

Teams proceeded to Jakarta, Indonesia. Their first stop was at Ragunan Zoo. When teams reached at the zoo, they found their Roadblock clue. In this Roadblock, a member of the team must step into a snake pit to retrieve their clue. In this clue there was a Fast Foward. Two teams decided to go for the Fast Foward , the Indian team and also Ernie & Jeena of the Philippines team. In Fast Foward, teams had to locate SMA 6, a school located 6km from their Roadblock. Reaching there, they must pick a student out of many of them who is listening to a Walkman. The Walkman should play a message "you have chosen correctly". Then teams can have their clue to the Pitstop.
The rest of the teams were instructed by their clue to go to the West Sumatra Pavilion to do a traditional Minangkabau plate dance also called as 'tari piring'. Upon completing this task, teams received their Detour clue. In this Detour, teams must choose between Push or Sell. In Push, teams had to push a cart while singing a traditional Indonesian song. They also had to be very careful when they push the cart so that they don't spill the ketchup from the bowl. In Sell, teams had to prepare 15 bowls of bakso. Only team from Malaysia, Joe Jer & Zabrina did the selling task.
Upon completing the Detour tasks, teams then raced to the Pitstop. Sahil & Prashant who had taken the Fast Foward arrived first at Monas Monument, the Pitstop of this leg. Ernie & Jeena, disappointed to find out that the Fast Foward already taken had to rush back to do the dancing and also the Detour. This made them the last team to arrive.

My Findings:

Asians are kinder :). All teams had left some money to team Sandy & Francesca.

Being the earliest team did the task in Ragunan Zoo, Ernie & Jeena shouldn't go for FF. And yet again, if they didn't spill the ketchup maybe they could catch up Sandy & Francesca. They didn't read their clue properly.

Taxi drivers in Indonesia are crazy :)

Malaysian's teams came in fourth and eight. They need to 'pump-it'!

Most of the teams like to say "Oh God, Oh God" - was that a prayer?

Ernie & Jeena thought they were not the last when they reached at West Sumatra Pavilion. Well, they forgot the team who has taken the FF!

Alan, you are still tense! Loosen up a bit, bro!

Images are property of AXN-Asia

From Madagascar they flew to Helsinki, Finland. In Finland, they were instructed to go to Kappeli house and found their next clue once they log on onto a computer.

All teams now travel by train to get to Soppeenharjun Koulu. Once there, it was their Detour. The Detour of this leg was between Swamp This or Swamp That. Swamp This was to cross country skiing through bog and Swamp That was on obstacle course through bog.

Upon completing their tasks, teams would retrieved their next clue, which was to travel by train to the city of Turku then drove themselves to the town of Lohja.

A Roadblock was waiting for them at Lohja. This Roadblock was to search the mine and get a piece of limestone, which they had to break to get their next clue.

Next, teams must go to the Olympic Stadium and performed an additional task, where each team member had to rappel face-first down from the top of the tower of the Helsinki Olympic Stadium.

The Race was not over yet as teams received their next clue read, 'Keep Racing!'

In the next leg, one team has to go. Who? Stay tuned to find out. It will be tomorrow night on AXN!

The Amazing Race Asia kicked off in Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I was so excited and so ready to follow the teams. Excited because they chose Malaysia to start off the Race and also we have teams from Malaysia! Everything seemed so familiar :)

"Shop till you Drop" at Berjaya Times Square was the first task. Teams thought they were going for shopping. Nice clue, quite misleading :)

The Detour of this Race was between painting or pottery at Kompleks Kraf. Most of the teams chose painting a traditional batik. Only one team-Ernie & Jenna decided to do the pottery task.

Next task was to drive (go-cart) and complete four laps at the Shah Alam Stadium.

The Pit Stop of the Race was at the KL Tower. But it was not as easy as the Malaysian team-Andrew & Syeon thought. They must go through to a confusing jungle trail. Because of their mistake, they had to do it all over again!

This leg won by the Indonesian team-Mardy & Marsio. The last team to arrive was Sandy & Francesca. But lucky for them, it was a predetermined non-elimination round and they are still in the Race.

My findings:
The show was a bit 'slow'. I hope I don't sound too cruel if I say it's nearly boring. Maybe I tend to compare them from the other TAR. But, hopefully I'll enjoy the next leg!

Allan Wu was a bit tensed. I just want him to be more relaxed. Phil I think was doing good in the first Season and became better and better after that. Keep it going Allan I know you can do better than that!

No prize to the first team arrived at the Pit Stop? Sigh!

The Philippines' team helping each other. I hope the Malaysian teams can do the same in the next race.

Sahran of the Sri Lanka's teams looked like faking his fear. He is more like acting. Anyway, I can't wait to see what will happen next.

Let's watch it tonite on AXN at 9.00pm! Go Asia Go!

Images are property of AXN-Asia


Anung (11.11.06)
Osel (12.11.06)
Irene (14.11.06)
Noey (17.11.06)
Dad (26.11.06)
Libbie (29.11.06)

From Mauritius, teams proceeded to Madagascar.

They were to find the Black Angel statue or rather a White Angel statue as it was re-painted to white colour. When teams arrived there, they found out a new twist in the race, an Intersection. At the Intersection, teams had to join with one other team to complete tasks together, including completing the Fast Forward. The 2nd Fast Forward of the Race was to go to a market and eat one full serving of cow lips, a local delicacy. The first group, the models and the dating couple decided to go for the Fast Forward.

The beauty queens team-up with the Cho Brothers and the single moms paired with Mary & David, went for the Detour. The Detour on this leg was Long Sleep and Short Letter. In Long Sleep, they must choose 8 mattresses, put on the covers on and deliver to a provided address. In Short Letter, they need to choose a papermaking station and use local methods to produce and decorate 28 sheets of handcrafted paper. Both group chose to do the mattresses task.

After completing the Detour, the groups were not required to work together anymore. In their Roadblock, one member of the team had to search for stamps matches the imprint of a boat, train, plane and car on their clue. Once completed the team can proceed to the Pit Stop where the other member of the team is waiting.
This leg of the Race won by the Beauty Queens and won themselves a trip to Hawaii's Big Island including a helicopter tour.

David & Mary failed to arrive in first. They arrived in fifth place and were assessed the 30 minute penalty. The single moms arrived at the Pit Stop before the penaly expired. So, David & Mary were eliminated from the Race.

Who is next? Stay tuned!

(All images property of - Amazing Race)

I'll be removing this video in a week's time - takut kena saman oleh 8TV or Hotfm :)

The Amazing Race Asia will be premiering on November 9th 2006. It will kick off at 9pm on AXN. I've been watching the Amazing Race from the beginning without fail. And now this is Asia's very own Amazing Race. I just can't wait. I hope the teams will entertain me :)

They've officially revealed the ten teams who will race around Asia. The teams are:

Andrew & Syeon, Malaysia

Aubrey & Jac, Philippines

Ernesto & Jill, Philippines

Francesca & Sandy, HongKong

Laura & Andy, Thailand

Marsio & Mardy, Indonesia

Prashant & Sahil, India

Howard & Sahran, Sri Lanka

Sharon & Melody, Singapore

Zabrina & Joe, Malaysia

Pick your team now. I'll pick Andrew & Syeon as my favourite coz they are Malaysians :p Well, I must support my fellow Malaysians. I just hope they do well in this Race. Malaysia Boleh! But I think most likely to win this Race is Prashant and Sahil. They look tough to me but sometimes physical is just not enough. You must have good brains, patience, work as a team and most of all HAVING FUN! Follow what BJ & Tyler did in TAR9.

Enough talking. Let's just sit and watch. I'm sure I'll have fun myself :)
This Race will be hosted by Allan Wu (if you're a fan of Fear Factor, you must remember this guy)
For more images & info please visit

Dustin & Kandice
Everyone was in the same flight from Kuwait to Mauritius. I was a little bit puzzle though when one or two teams unaware of the existence of Mauritius! It all went well until when the Beauty Queens tried to book the Models' flight. The single moms were not happy with this as they were next in line! In my opinion, the Beauty Queens shouldn't do what they did especially when other team is in presence.

Once in Mauritius a car is waiting for them with a model boat inside. They need to find the real schooner. All teams need to swim to the schooner to get their clue.

Now, all teams must drive to Case Noyale and locate a post office to get their Detour clue. In this leg's Detour, teams had to choose between Salt or Sea. In Salt, teams had to search through giants piles for their next clue. In Sea, teams had to travel by motorboat to an island and search the island using a map to find the boat's sail. After finding it, they had to attach it to the boat and sail back and claimed their clue.

There was no Roadblock on this leg. But I found this link :¤t=tar10roadblockwmv.flv
It should be the Roadblock of the leg. But the producers must have reasons to cut them.

As everybody completed their task, teams now must drive to the Pit Stop at Chateau Bel Ombre. The Beauty Queens who is good in navigating their route stepped in first and won themselves motor scooters. The Models arrived second followed by Rob and Kim, the Cho brothers and the Single Moms. David & Mary made a wrong turn to the chateau made them the last team to arrive.
David & Mary
BUT....the good news is it was a non-elimination round AGAIN! Once again they were safe but they are mark for elimination in the next leg. They are so lucky!

Let's RACE to watch the next episode of the Amazing Race 10. Could there be a Fast Forward again? Can David & Mary make it? Will the Cho brothers helped them? To find out stay tuned on AXN!

(All images property of - Amazing Race)

Congratulations to my cousin Rosa and her hubby Melvin on your wedding last Friday (27.10.06). I was waiting for the pictures from my cousin Liza as she promised to me tapi sampai sekarang emel dia tidak kunjung tiba. Terpaksa ambil gambar yang saya rakam using my hp which is not clear dan tidak menentu. In this picture, Rosa was with my sister and her son, my nephew lah kiranya.

Yang ini pula, my cousin Lyd with my sister juga (ishh my sister ni banyak enterframe lah pulak). Lyd was Rosa's maid of honour. Kesiann jadi 'amah' tapi with honour muahaha. Di belakang tu Melvin, Rosa's hubby. Susah bah mo kumpul diorg gambar sama2. Masing2 sibuk layan tetamu. I told Lyd I will upload her picture in my friendster tapi ter-post pula di blog. Jangan marahhh :p

Eh, saya tiada dlm gambar. Kesian bah sia ni tukang ambil gambar sampai lupa ambil gambar sendiri :)