• I just couldn't understand why Anthony and Stephanie didn't get another taxi when they found out the taxi they got in were in trouble. There's no way I want to push a taxi to make it work. Unless it's a car given to you like what had happened to Henry and Bernie with their jeep. To this silly mistake, Anthony and Stephanie has been eliminated from the Race as they couldn't catch up the rest of the teams especially when they are stuck in the Roadblock as well.
  • The commotion Tina and the other teams made at the airport was just a waste of time which to me should be edited.
  • I found out at least two teams made mistakes during the Detour. Terence and Sarah didn't see the arrow to which should lead them where to take a cab. Kelly and Christy were digging in the sand to look for a container! The locals who were helping them earlier just smiled at them! I laughed! Hey, not only this, this team also made a mistake by not reading the clues properly. They let their taxi go even though it clearly stated in the clue that they should ask the taxi wait for them!
  • Oh and by the way, the Roadblock was a piece of cake! compared to what the TARA3 had. I would write all the names/phrase on the wall myself and read them all to the person who is holding the clues - as simple as that!

  • Ken and Tina each won an 'off road car' by reaching first at the Pit Stop! I hope the siblings can do better in the next leg. Stay tuned guys...

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